Can you believe it? Antonio is 2 months old as of the 11th! Where has the time gone? I feel like I have spent the last two months in my living room! Ugh... We had Antonio's 2 month well child check up today where they weighed, measured and gave shots! : ( As of today our TWO month old is 15 lbs 14 oz (which is 99% for his age), 24" long/tall (84%) and his head circumference is 15.75" round (48%). So in conclusion, we have a tall "big boned" baby with and average size head! : ) He was given 3 shots and one "shot" orally. He had his 2nd dose of Hepatitis b2, and 2 others and polio orally. They gave us infant tylenol to help with the pain for 24hours. He takes it like it is candy and I think it is helping; I think. They said that he will either be fussier or more sleepy and I think he is a little of both. Regardless, he is doing well. Poor guy! Albert stayed in the room as he was given his shots while I left and waited in the waiting room. I couldn't stay there; it was breaking my heart just thinking he was getting the shots!
We take him to a "living with baby" class every Monday. The one we are in is the 0-3 month one. All of the babies in the class right now are all between 7 weeks and 10 weeks. Antonio is the biggest by far and he isn't even the oldest! It is amazing to see how tiny and fragile looking the other babies are. Antonio is smiling and starting the long process of talking. He has started to almost laugh/giggle and make talking sounds; not quite cooing but similar. He is becoming more like a human being. He is so sweet. He still is not sleeping through the night but his waking is more routine. We usually put him down between 8-9 then he wakes up between midnight and 1 then again between 3 and 4 and then between 6 and 7. So he is sleeping for about 3 hours at a time. Hopefully soon he'll be sleeping through the night. He is also beginning to lose his hair. I thought for sure with all the hair he started with he wouldn't lose any but sure enough it's falling out. It is like we gained a pet, I find his hair all over him and other things. He is going through an awkward stage with it, there is a definite "line" or u-shaped line in the back where his head rubs on things where there is no hair. Luckily it is growing in pretty fast where it has already fallen out! I doubt he will get bald!
Below are a few pictures that have been taken in the last week!