Antonio's first Halloween has gone as expected for a 3.5 month old! We took him to the pumpkin patch to get pumpkins and as excepted he was unamused but it did get him out in the fresh air! Luckily it wasn't really cold and rainy like it had been the past couple of days. It was pretty muddy though and with me still hobbling around we made a straight shot for the first row and luckily found a couple that would work pretty quickly! As we walked back up to pay for them we thought about how next year and every year after, will be so different! We may even take the hayride down to the pumpkins next year! : )
While Albert and I carved pumpkins he slept (yay!). I was a bit worried Antonio wouldn't let us carve the pumpkins; well at least not in one night but we got lucky!
We were given an hand me down bumble bee costume from my cousin to wear; thank goodness Halloween was now because it was barely long enough to snap! He was so cute in it; he didn't even fuss about it either! I wondered if he'd like the hat that goes with it or hate it but really it didn't even faze him! We took him out to our next door neighbors and the neighbor across the street to "trick or treat"! Albert enjoyed getting the candy for him and eating it too! : ) They were so excited to see him all dressed up and so big. We are really lucky; we have GREAT neighbors. They are all retired but not the old, old kind. I'd guess they were the age of my parents...approximately (so not SUPER old, ha ha ha!). Regardless, they loved it and Antonio was great! We got back home, inside, him changed and he was passed out within 10 min! It was a good 1st Halloween for him! Next year will be even more fun and so on!
We ran out of candy by about 7:30 and there were still plenty of trick or treaters! I guess thats good since it was time to get Antonio fed and into his jammies! I hope you all had a fun, safe and uneventful Halloween!