Monday, January 11, 2010

6 months!

As of today, Antonio is 6 months! Wow, half way to a year! Antonio is growing, mentally & physically so's so amazing, yet so sad! We continue to attend our living with baby class which Antonio really likes; I think. This month we graduated to the 6-12 month group with one other little boy and his mom. There are two other little girls in that class that are both 8 months and it is pretty amazing how much more they can do in just the 2 month difference! One is crawling ALL over while the other can't quite yet but seems to be very close! It's also so amazing how different every baby really is. One of the 8 month olds, the one crawling, is practically 1/2 the size of Antonio while the other is definitely bigger.

Last weekend we broke down and bought Antonio a convertible car seat since he has pretty much grown out of the infant seat! The sad part is he doesn't even look that small in the bigger one. The one we got will carry him up to 65 lb, so maybe to age 3. ha ha ha..... : ) We haven't used it yet but Albert has just installed it tonight so Antonio and I may have to go for a little drive tomorrow to test it out. I put him in it to see how he liked it and he didn't seem to mind it yet didn't seem to happy either. I guess he'll get used to it; I hope. The only draw back is now when we go somewhere I actually have to take him out of the car seat, where before I would leave him in it if he was sleeping and would continue on my way. Or he could fall asleep in his seat while shopping etc. Now, I will have to carry him, try to put him in a "cart" or in his somewhat cumbersome stroller. The stroller isn't so bad for at the mall or somewhere we will be for awhile but for a quick stop it is a bit much.

Antonio in his infant seat for the last time!

Antonio is his convertible seat for the first time!

Antonio can officially sit unassisted now! Yay! this is great because I can plop him down and play with him or grab his bottle (or make my morning espresso) and he can watch me and vice versa! It's a pretty big milestone and we are super excited about it! He had been trying to sit for awhile but was extremely wobbly then one day (a day or two before Christmas) he sat by himself; we couldn't believe it! Each day after that he seems to get better and better. Below is a short video from about a week ago! He also shows off one version his chatting abilities; he has so many different kinds of "talking". It ends abruptly by him falling over backwards. No tears just a good tip over! ; )

As for his 6 month stats....drum roll please......

weight: 21lbs 1oz (95.8%)
height: 28" (92.9%)
Head circum: 43cm (down to 29.6%)

At his well child check appointment today he received 4 shots, 3 pokes and 1 oral. He did pretty good, he cried hard for about 10 sec with tear rolling and all then looked and smiled at the nurse. I on the other hand, did much better; no tears for me this time! Phew. Now that he is 6 months he can get flu shots. So hopefully next week we will go in to get him one. The clinic we go to is currently out of them, besides I didn't want to get him more shots than needed today.

Some things Antonio can do and likes are (besides sitting!):

- he has officially tried rice cereal as of today.
we tried it this evening and he seemed interested with the idea but didn't like the actual cereal much. What went in came right back out. They tell you to start with the rice cereal first mainly because it has the least possible allergic reaction. We will try again tomorrow!
- he is on his tummy for much longer periods of time now!
- he is great at rolling from his back to his tummy
still has a really hard time going from his tummy to his back; he's only done it twice.
- he LOVES his jumperoo's he has.
he is lucky enough to have two and loves them both!
- he is wanting to stand much more, with help of course.
- he can turn himself in a 360 degree circle on his tummy
while on his tummy he kicks a lot and holds himself up by his arms a lot - soon he'll be
- he has surely started the teething process but no teeth yet.
the doctor thinks we should see something any day now!
- he still loves testing his voice!
he's always making noise by shrieking, cooing etc....
- he's pretty much sleeping through the night finally! (!!!)
most nights he'll go down between 7-7:30 and sleep until between 4:30-5:30 am, eats then will go back to sleep for 3 or 4 hours! it's great! Recently he's been waking up around 12:30-1 as well. We are assuming that has to do with the typical 6 mo. growth spurt.
- he has gotten good at reaching for toys and pulling them close
he can even move the toy from one hand to another; apparently thats a big deal?!
- he grabs at everything
I no longer wear necklaces or hoop or dangly earrings. He loves grabbing at my hair and
- he loves his feet!
He will frequently pull his socks off and put his feet in his mouth! Don't you will you were still that flexible!?

mmm.....feet, makes diaper changing fun/interesting!