Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday!

Yes, I know, I owe you guys two Wednesday's worth! So here are a few pictures from the last couple weeks!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

9 months!

I can't believe how close that baby icon on the timeline is to the "1"!! Amazing! We went to Antonio's 9 month well child check Monday. We went to a different doctor that is MUCH closer to home and hoped to like him and stay with him but I will drive the additional 20 min each way and go back to the original doctor. The appointment was a joke. This new doctor knew his stuff and did what he needed to do but then was outta there. Since Antonio had a cold he checked his ears, throat and lungs and all were good. Then he checked a couple other routine things then got up to leave. Well I had some questions and had to pretty much cut him off to ask before he left. I got two in while his hand was one the door knob. He briefly answered them but so fast I barely had time to comprehend. Antonio's original doctor always asked if I had any questions and then answered them all. I assumed ALL pediatricians would do that, boy was I wrong. Needless to say we won't be going back the him.

Enough negative, on to positive! Antonio is GROWING!! Here are his current stats:
Weight: 22lbs 8 oz (79.62%, down from 95.8%)
Height: 30" (93.64%, up from 92.9%)
Head circumference: 45.5 cm/17.91" (56.48%, up from 29.6%)

Some things Antonio's doing and liking:
-He is getting better and better at walking. Still needing help but cruises the couch (or anything) just fine by himself.
-He is loving walking with his walker!
-Has learned how to crawl up stairs. (not so good)
-Started primarily crawling on his hands and knees instead of on his belly
-Loving all food as long as it's pureed.
-He gags on anything not pureed even if it's super soft, so we're easing into that.
-He seems to really like the new tastes and textures of meats
-Still waking once a night for a diaper change and a little snack. (however, I don't think it's the hunger that wakes him, I'm starting to think him being wet does....)
-He seems to have reconciled with the vacuum cleaner. However we haven't turned it on with him yet!
-He's freaked out by my hair dryer now too.

Back to work.

I know it's been FOREVER since I posted something. Things have been a bit hectic. Last Tuesday, the 6th, I went back to work. It was awful. I dropped Antonio at daycare the previous Thursday and Friday and thank goodness that I did because I would have been a wreck! The first day back went ok. I dropped Antonio at daycare and he cried as I walked away, breaks my heart that he does that, absolutely breaks my heart. I got to work and got reacquainted with co-workers and the computer system. Going back to using a PC instead of a Mac is hard enough! ; ) All day I thought about Antonio and as the day went on I thought about what we would be doing at that moment; it was so sad and pathetic all at once. It was pretty scary how much came back to me after being gone for 9 months! However, a lot has changed and I feel like a new person all over again!

When I got off work I stopped to pick up Chinese at our favorite Chinese place and then rushed home to see my boys! It was so good to be home with Antonio (and Albert); I just scooped him up and loved on him. It was the best. : ) Albert said it was fun picking Antonio up at daycare, lucky him, he gets to be the hero and pick him up! Albert's car is missing the back middle seat head rest so Antonio can see out the back window where in my car we have the head rest and mirror blocking his view. Antonio seems to really like being able to see out the back! Albert had that Friday off so he got some Antonio time which they both seemed to love! They will get to do it again this friday too!

In Antonio's first week at daycare he caught a cold and a small diaper rash started. Luckily I noticed the diaper rash starting Saturday morning so I started creme on it and it was gone by Monday! YAY! The cold however, is holding on good. I will spare you the details but he is really congested and has a good run to his nose. He has started a congested cough yesterday too. Poor little guy. Hopefully he can fight it and be done with it this week.

I hope that things start to go better for all of us with daycare and work. I am still looking for an afternoon/evening pt job so I can stay home with Antonio at least most of the week. I know he is getting great social skills but I just HATE being away from him. In fact today when Albert went to pick him up Antonio was "cruising" the gate that goes around the fireplace at daycare. When they were leaving all the kids were saying bye to Antonio; Albert said it was cute! sweet boy is making friends! Yay!