Last Sunday Albert worked so he could then have this coming Friday off for a 3-day weekend! YAY! So Saturday night my Mom came over and spent the night, since she was already on this side of the water visiting her sister, my Aunt. As most of you know, Albert works the early shift, up and out the door at 4:30 am, so it was perfect for my Mom to keep Antonio and I company! We had french toast and vanilla lattes for breakfast! It was great! Even Antonio tried the french toast and liked it! It was great having my Mom there to hang out with us. We watched a few cartoons, played and tried on his costume so Grammy could see him in it! Antonio had some good Grammy time too! They played a lot, read books and even had some good snuggle time; everyone was happy!
My Mom helped me blanch some green beans to freeze and she had bought some organic carrots to cook, all for Antonio! It made it so much easier having two of us here so one of us was always entertaining Antonio! He LOVED all the attention! He didn't even nap until 1:30 when Grammy put him down! Spending time with her was something I had needed and wanted to do for so long; having time just my Mom, Antonio and I to spend time together! I was "soul comforting"! It's funny how much more you appreciate (and need) your Mom once you become one yourself! I was bummed to see her go but I knew Albert would be home soon and that she wanted to get home before the Sunday ferry rush! It was a perfect way to spend a Sunday morning/afternoon! Hopefully we'll do it again soon!