Am I ready?
HECK NO!!!!!
Surprisingly, it was a hard decision. First, it was whether he was ready for Kindergarten since he is a Summer birthday (he will only be 5 in July). Then it was weather to send him to the local public school or keep him at the private school he goes to now. We love, love, LOVE where he goes now. The school is amazing. He is learning so much about letters, numbers, shapes, colors, patterns and most importantly GOD. I think one of my favorite things he is learning is about is God/Jesus. He doesn't learn any of that from us, especially since we don't go to church, but I do want him to know God. Now any far away place is now Bethlehem (or Disneyland since we've now been there). Sadly he won't get any of that at public school.
Backing up to the original concern, whether he was ready or not. After talking to his current Pre-K teachers he seems to be ready. When I asked if they thought he was ready, without hesitation, they confidently said yes. In fact, they said some things he is one of the best in class on the others he was doing fine on. I asked if they thought he would be mentally/emotionally ready since he is a Summer birthday (boy) and they thought so. Since he is so "even keel" they thought he would do fine. I've heard from a few people, my Mom in particular, that sometimes boys who have Summer birthdays (ones who have just turned 5) going into Kindergarten have trouble at first, no matter how smart they are; they just aren't mature enough. So of course I was concerned. Both Antonio's Pre-K teachers and Ms. Rosemary (daycare) think he is ready so we are trusting them.
It will be hard for me since, whether we/I admit it or not, we judge our own kid in one way or another (against other kids and other people judge kids against kids, subconsciously) no matter how hard we try not to. One of Antonio's cousin's is in Kindergarten now and reading; full on reading books. It amazes me. Then I worry, in a year Antonio should be reading?!?! No way! Then I remind myself, he (the cousin) is 6 as of January and this time next year Antonio will barely be 5 1/2. His other cousin will be in Kindergarten next year too but she turned 5 last October, so 9 months older than Antonio. Antonio will be a young Kindergartener and next year when other Kindergarteners are "ahead" of him I will have to remind myself, "It's ok, he is a young Kindergartener.". We all want our kids to be at the top of the class but there will be a chance Antonio may not be at the top, and that is ok. :) (Remind me this next year!)
As far as public or private. I was able to sit in on a Kinder class at his current school and I was not nearly as impressed with the class as I was/am with the Pre-K class. There were so many other factors involved with our decision (transportation, money, my stress level, etc) but we decided to send him to the public school down the road from us. I think/hope he will be just fine there. Antonio would end up there in a year anyways so it was really just one year he would have gone to the private school. He will be able to be picked up and dropped off at daycare by the bus which will be so helpful. The school recently hired a new principle who apparently is improving the school a lot. I won't be 100% confident in our decision until after we have the first conference in the Fall. ;)
Phew, one more decision done (thanks to my cousin Suzanne and Renae and my Mom) and is in the books.
*side note. Antonio's currently doing a fundraiser for his school (mixed bags. reusable grocery, totes, etc.) through Friday, the 7th. His school gets 40% from every online purchase. If you are at all interested go here. His fundraiser ID # is 89635. No pressure. Really.