Thursday, December 24, 2015


Merry Christmas Eve!

I can't believe today is Christmas Eve! I feel like I have been waiting all year for it. Well I guess I technically have. Those of you who have known me for awhile know that I used to have OCD, obsessed Christmas disorder. I saw that once and loved it. I really did. In jr. high and high school I would start playing Christmas music as soon as I could. I even remember fondly one afternoon calling my friend Myriah so we could simultaneously start the songs at the exact same time. Of course it took quite a few tries until we got it but we did. Pretty sure my Mom wasn't at home at the time. I loved everything about Christmas and would be giddy with excitement.

If I remember right, this is a Christmas card I sent out one year. It was about how I felt inside too! :)

Then for some reason I slowly lost the excitement.

Don't get me wrong I still got excited but it wasn't the same. Maybe it was the growing up part. Then I had Antonio and I thought for sure I would get it back, and I did but not like back then. This year, however, is different. Maybe it is because I am home, not working, and ready. The stress that most of us get around this time of year wasn't present this year. And Antonio? Well he is so excited. This is the year he gets it. He was so excited to see Santa, even wrote a wishlist a few days before we went to see him so he could show him. Thus after trying so hard to get him to write one.

Antonio waiting in line to see Santa with his wishlist!

He was also excited to put up decorations and the tree. One day he came home with three songs he had to practice for his Christmas concert. We practiced everyday at least once and that helped get his excitement going. Then one day he came home with a paper Christmas countdown chain thing, you know, the kind you cut strips of paper and then attach them to make to make a long chain?! You could tell Mrs. Gilmore had been talking about Christmas in class, which I am sure is a big "no-no" but I love it. All the talk at school, stories and crafts he was doing, was building the excitement. 

Although at the beginning of last week, he told me that a boy in his class told him Santa wasn't real. I panicked and said, "what?!". I had no idea what to say. He said that "blank" told him Santa wasn't real. I told him yes he was, how else did the presents get to all the good boys and girls. He paused for a few moments and said, "Yeah, what does "blank" know? He is only at level A (for reading) and I am at H so I know more!" I quickly agreed and went a long with the "trashing" of the poor kid. I felt badly for two reasons. One, that I encouraged the fact that the kid doesn't know very much because he isn't a very good reader and two, because the kid has been told Santa doesn't exist. Which, in my opinion, is more sad than the encouraging of the idea that the low reading level meant he wasn't smart. All kids at this age (6 & 7) should be believing in Santa, at least those who "do" Christmas. This kid is also one who probably doesn't get many gifts which is maybe why he's been told Santa doesn't exist. It kinda breaks my heart for the kid.

All this week Antonio has been out of school and he has been so happy and excited! Happily Tuesday night he spent the night at Grammy and Grampas, which he loved. We've watched The Polar Express (which we only watch in December) 3 or 4 times, A Charlie Brown Christmas and Elf. Last night as we were saying good night he asked me how Santa would get through the glass and I had no idea what he meant. We have a gas fireplace with glass on the front. I told him I didn't know because every time Santa has come before I was sleeping since Santa only comes after everyone is asleep. Then he said, Santa's just really sneaky then, to which I agreed. He hasn't realized we don't have a chimney for Santa to go down yet, and I hope he doesn't realize it, t least not this year. Ha. This morning Antonio asked if I had wrapped his present yet, hence present, not presents. I told him I hadn't and he proceeded to ask if I needed help doing so. More proof he is his Papa's son. :) 

This morning we had a special Christmas Eve breakfast! Since I know were will be eating a lot of junk the next few days I decided that breakfast should be a healthier treat this morning and he was still super excited about it!  He loves his croissants! 

I hope you all have a fun and exciting Christmas Eve building up to tonight when Santa comes and then tomorrow, Christmas Day. We've already checked out Norad to see where Santa is. I am so loving this holiday season and it is so much fun seeing it through Antonio! I hope this level of excitement continues for at least a few more years! I know I will do everything I can to keep it this way! Try not to get caught up in the hustle and bustle; slow down and remember what Linus says in the Charlie Brown Christmas movie about what Christmas is all about. 

Even if you aren't the religious type, the idea about it being about something so much bigger than the Christmas tree and presents is so true. Take time to enjoy friends and family and remember what is was like when you were 6 or 7; all the excitement and anticipation! And for those of you who have all the presents still to wrap tonight, light a fire (or just flip the switch), get a glass of wine, put on your favorite Christmas movie or Christmas music and as you wrap each gift, think about that specific person you bought it for. Oh and, spread out 3-4 rolls of tape so you will ALWAYS find it! :) Ha! 

We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas tomorrow! One more day! :)

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas is coming...

For the very first time ever, or at last in a very long time, I am ready for Christmas. The only things I/we have to do is mail two boxes to family in California and go visit Santa. That, I am dreading. All the waiting in line for 2-4 minutes top, with Santa. Oye. We are hoping to do it Monday, the 21st. Antonio will be out of school and hopefully most parents will be working still. I hope. We can't skip it because he's made a wish list, just tonight mind you, that he said he will give to Santa. So stay tuned for that Santa pic.

I am done Christmas shopping, except for a couple stocking stuffers and everything is wrapped except for Antonio's gifts. But there isn't many to wrap, thankfully. We try to keep it to, or as closely as possible, to a 4 gift rule. Something he wants, something he needs, something he reads, and something he wears. This year we have pretty much stuck to that, although he is getting two books. Also, Santa brings him his "big" gift; the gift that costs the most and that he really wants. So technically he is getting two wants as well. Regardless, we try to keep it simple and happily he is a simple kid. Last year he gave us maybe 2 or 3 things he wanted. After opening all his gifts from us, Santa, and family out of state Christmas morning, he proclaimed something to the point of, "I got everything I wanted!" and while gesturing to everything else, "and I didn't even want any of that." Ha! That kid. Lets hope he always stays that simple.

I digress.

Thanks to being at home now, I have been able to shop online and go out to get what I need easier. Now that all that is done, I feel like I can really relax and enjoy the rest of the season. No feeling like I have to go out this weekend and fight the crowds; its great! I've even baked Christmas cookies and handed them out to the recipients. Thats great and all but now that we've eaten all the rest we have none for Santa so we are having to make a small store bought batch for Santa next weekend. This weekend we watched The Polar Express on Friday and then Elf on Saturday night which got me extra excited! Antonio was glued to the tv watching The Polar Express. It was the first time watching it this season. We only watch it in December which makes it even more special.

Antonio took his teacher her Christmas gift last Wednesday and will attempt to give his bus driver her gift this week. He tends to have substitute bus drivers often lately, and just in the mornings which is weird. Since in the afternoons it's his normal bus driver. Again, I digress. So as soon as we see his regular driver, we'll give her, her frangos. He's so excited to do so.

Speaking of gifting.

We had a buy one get one book fair at Antonio's school last week and the Friday prior, the teachers had the opportunity to take their class through it as a preview so they could make a "wish list" and tell their parents what they wanted. Well, Antonio's teacher took his class through and she saw how genuinely excited each student was. She knew that about 75% of the class either couldn't afford a new book or the parents didn't seem involved enough to then care enough to get a new book for the kids. It broke her heart to think about that since she saw how happy and excited they were about the books. So Antonio's teacher, Mrs. Gilmore, went home that night, talked to her husband and decided to purchase a new book (well two, since it was a BOGO sale) for each student that they had written on their wish lists. Over a $100 out of her own pocket! I am still thoroughly impressed. I know teachers spend a lot of their own time and money on their students/classroom throughout the year but in my opinion, this is above an beyond. She said that she could've bought gift certificates for each student to buy new books in the next book order but knew those would get thrown out, forgotten about or the parents wouldn't care enough to put forth the effort to use them. So sad for those kids. So she just bought them.


I've had my doubts, well "doubts" is the wrong word; more like concern's about Mrs. Gilmore. She's a little gruff and negative, on the kids; they are just 1st graders. Not always showing a positive, patient attitude in class and seems to get annoyed fairly easy. Basically she seems like the kind of teacher I would be; which is why I could never be a teacher. Ha. But I've seen once or twice now, some sweet brief moments she has had with a student before she goes back to the normal Mrs. Gilmore. ;) Now this book buying? I'm impressed. She is a great teacher, don't get me wrong, and Antonio loves school and her so I suppose that is all that matters. And maybe she's like wine, she'll get better as the year goes one. In the mean time, I'm going to keep trying to shower her with little gifts to sweeten her up. Ha!

Christmas is in 11 days, are you ready? I know we are! Antonio seems a little more excited with gifts under the tree too. He has two separate Christmas count downs which helps with the, "Is it Christmas yet" question. He knows exactly how many days are left. And whats even more exciting is that my sister in law comes to visit for a few days starting the 1st of January so the fun will continue!

Antonio watching the train go through the "gift" tunnel! 

Friday, October 16, 2015

PTSA here I come!

So I did it.

I joined the PTSA and yes, my life hasn't been the same. It's in a good way though, in fact, it's given me a sense of purpose since quitting Mutual. Don't get me wrong, being at home has been amazing but, joining the PTSA gives me that adult interaction so many SAHM's don't get, yet so badly crave.

Last year it was such a whirlwind with Antonio being in Kinder and only half day. I felt like I knew nothing about what was going on at school and he certainly wasn't telling me anything. In fact, I remember one time as we were getting out of the car at daycare he said, "I'm so excited I get to buy something today at the school store". Yeah, I had completely forgotten but luckily it was Alberts day off so he took some money to him. There were so many times I just had no idea what was going on. Sure they sent paperwork home but that at times, was to much.

So this year, now that I am a SAHM, I decided things would be different. My friend Tanya and I went to the first PTSA meeting and whoa, that was kind of a whirl wind too. Her and I both came up with so many suggestions (after the meeting of course) on so many things but had no answers or even ideas of how to do them. I decided to volunteer that same week to help and learn more. Happily it was much calmer and a bit more "welcoming".

The rest, as they say, is history. Here I am going in weekly, 2-3 times a week, helping and actually liking it. Its fun for both Antonio and I to randomly see each other. He gets as excited as I do when we see each other. I know that won't last so I am enjoying it while it does! :) One thing I have learned is that the PTSA does SO much more than I ever realized. It almost leaves me wondering what the school actually does, besides teach my kid, which is huge I realize. HA. I am getting encouraged to become the secretary for the PTSA for next year and I am not sure I want that much responsibility but we will see. Two of the gals, who do most of the work right now, will be gone next year as their kids will go to middle school so I worry what will happen next year. I am beginning to get emotionally guilted in to the role but nothing official yet. We'll see what happens! I did however, become officially official with my very own "permanent" badge. No more paper volunteer stickers for me; I'm movin' on up! Woot, woot! ;)

Knowing now, how much the PTSA funds and how much money the Box Tops and fundraisers raise for them I am pushing for both of these. So here is my favor (plea) to you;

Box Tops. They are so easy and are probably on products you already buy. Look for this image (see below) on products from cereal, kleenex boxes, pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Ziplock products and so many more. If you see them, I'd love it if you cu, or rip, them out and sent them to me. If you don't have my address already, I'll give it to you! We get .10 for every box top. It's not much but it does add up.

Little Box Top humor and so true! :)

Fundraiser. Antonio's Fall fundraiser has begun and it ends next Wednesday the 21st. There is lots of great stuff to choose from like candy, holiday decor, gift wrap, kid and pet stuff, bakeware and so much more. If you are local, Otis Spunkmeyer cookies are also included in it! And who doesn't need box of "ready to bake" cookies in the freezer for the kids, surprise guests or just for fun?! If you follow the link,, it will take you to Antonio's online ordering page for those of you who are not local. Anything you buy gets shipped directly to you, which is so convenient for everyone! I know a lot of you have kids who have their own fundraisers but wanted to put this out there, just in case. For those of with kids in school, contact your schools PTA/PTSA and find out if there's a way you can help/support them and the school. 

Antonio, myself and the PTSA, would greatly appreciate anything you you can do to support us and his school. The more money we get from these things means the more field trips, after school activities and supplies we can offer the kids! 

Meanwhile, Antonio is still loving school and has decided on being Darth Vader for Halloween! He specifically asked to get a Darth Vader costume. No, he has not seen any of the Star Wars movies, nor does he really know who he is except that he is in Star Wars. Ha! Here's a sneak peek! It even breathes heavily! If I can just get him to say "Luke, I am your Faaatha...." Right now he doesn't believe me that Darth Vader says that because that is "silly".  

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Review and update.

I know, I know.

It's been WAY to long (November 2014!) since my last post. I've found myself combining Antonio news in with my While the Doodlebug Sleeps blog and I apologize.

To very briefly recap since then. Antonio finished Kindergarten with flying colors and I was so glad we decided to send him "early". He did great and his teacher didn't think he would have any trouble in 1st grade! A few weeks after school got out Ms Rosemary closed which was a little tramatic for all of us. Rosemary had been a HUGE influence in Antonio's (and our) life. She taught him so much and loved him as her own. She was a blessing in his life, and ours. She happily recommended another place to send him, so checked it out. At the time, we knew he probably wouldn't be there past Fall since at the time we knew I would eventually be staying home full time. Antonio was happy there but it lacked so much that Rosemary had and gave. I was disappointed, but knew she had big shoes to fill after Rosemary so I went with it. Sure enough, as of August 28th he wouldn't need to go anymore! Yay!

Antonio had his 6th (!!) birthday and requested it be Lego themed. He was able to invite 4 friends from school and per his request, Lucas, his friend from swim. His cousins also came. Unfortunately he only had 2 of the 4 from school come. I had games planned in case it needed structure but it turned out that the balloons Nelly and Eva blew up the night before were the hit of the party! They played with those pretty much the whole party! Yay! We did play musical chairs once, which some liked and well, some did not. The whole losing thing is still hard to swallow. :(  Immediately following his friends party we had a family party. At the time, I wondered if I was crazy to do it that way but decided it was perfect. He had a blast and I'd like to think the party was a success too!

 Lego party!

Friends and their masks!

Blowing out his candles at his family party!

We went on two short family trips this summer. One to Ocean Shores and one to go camping. Both were a blast. They are so different from each other there isn't really a way to say one was better than the other. First we went to Kayak Point for camping, which is so close yet it still feels like a "trip"! Every single time we have camped it rains, at least some and this year was no different. It hadn't rained in literately a month or more and yet the morning we left it started to rain as we were packing up, and hard. We put Antonio in the car and we pretty much threw stuff in the car and left. There was a burn ban and were didn't think we would be able to have a campfire but when we pulled in the campsite we saw and smelled campfires. I asked the park ranger and sure enough we could! Hooray, s'mores after all! Antonio was so glad as were we. Besides the rain, it was perfect weather, really warm during the day but not to hot! The campsite sits up on the hill a bit from the water so during the day we walk down to the beach. We spend a lot of time watching all the boats go in and out at the boat launch and searching for little crabs and other sea life. We had gotten a new, bigger, tent for Christmas last year and got to use it. It was great! Perfect size for us and we could even stand up in it! 

 Family pic! 

Antonio and I on the trail to the beach.

A couple weeks after camping we went to Ocean Shores! Again, perfect weather. The beach can be tricky with weather, usually it's sunny but cool. We were lucky though, it was warm enough to wear shorts on the beach and the wind wasn't to bad or cold! This time we drove on the beach with our car which was fun, no hauling all our stuff down a path. I think Albert also really enjoyed driving on the beach! ;) We stayed two nights and like usual we wished we had one more night. I've always loved the beach, there is something so calming about. It works out great, Albert does his run on the beach, Antonio builds sandcastles, then the two of them play in the waves and I just take it all in. Wake up, eat breakfast, spend ALL day at the beach, eat dinner, swim in the pool then got to bed. Best days ever! A lot people do other things at Ocean Shores, and maybe as Antonio gets older we will too but for now, its perfect this way!

Love this little family of mine!

Those couple weeks before school started and I wasn't working, Antonio and I got ready for school to start again. We checked out books at the library about 1st grade and got back into doing "homework". He was nervous but ready. I was worried about the lack of nap time/quiet time, which he got every day at daycare. He may not have napped everyday there but he got quiet time and in 1st grade there wouldn't be any or even the option. I was worried that that first week would be awful for him. Thankfully I was wrong.

First day of school!

It's been a week and a half into the school year and he hasn't shown any sign of being extra tired or worn out. It's weird, but I'll take it! He is loving school except for the fact he does "to much math". Unfortunately, none of his friends from last year are in his class this year. In fact, only 1 from his class last year are in it! I thought the odds were in his favor for at least a couple. Oh well, just more of a chance to make more friends. He does say he's sees his friends Brody and Diego at recess sometimes, but not very often. :(  A girl from Ms Rosemary's is in Kindergarten this year (she's also 6 and has a summer birthday but her parents kept her back a year before starting school) and apparently she lives close to us because she rides the same bus. Antonio is relatively excited about that. She seemed like a nice girl but a talker so I have the feeling the conversations are very one sided! ;) Regardless, another "friend" who he sees on the bus and occasionally on the playground. This year his teacher is Mrs. Gilmore. She, unlike Mrs. Rusher, has a ton of experience; she's been a teacher at Sunnyside for 37 years!! So she knows what she's doing, how things work, what 1st grades are all about; and her communication skills are already an improvement from last year's experience! I'm guessing this is more like how it should be. I start volunteering in his class Wednesday and hopefully then I can get a better feel of how things are going.

Hopefully I can update here more often since I will have more free time to do so. No promises, but I'll try! :)