I have been going through all my clothes and getting rid (giving to Goodwill) of anything that doesn't fit. No more keeping something because I hope to fit in it someday soon or what if I gain weight and may need the bigger "thing". No more. Only keeping what fits now; more reason to shop later! ; ) Well as I m going through it all I am trying it on to see how it fits because let me know tell you, this ol' body is no longer the same as it was pre-pregnancy. Even though I am within 10lbs of pre-pregnancy/pre-morning sickness weight those same clothes fit me different. When I put one of the pairs of jeans to check the fit I felt a "crinkle" in the back pocket. I thought, "oh, maybe some money!" Turns out it was just a receipt but not just any receipt, the receipt of something that changed it all! It was the receipt of the pregnancy test I had bought after waking up feeling, well nauseous and a bit dizzy/light headed.
Now to bring those of you that don't know the details (maybe a bit to much but oh well) up to date. I had pretty much ALWAYS been a "regular" girl when it came to my period. However, over the year or so Albert and I had been trying there was a couple times when I would be a week early or a week late and I would get my hopes up, then nothing. So in mid October I had started about 2 weeks early, I wondered for a moment but since I HAD started I thought nothing more of it. Then November came and I didn't start the same time as in October and instead of getting my hopes up I was just going to wait until the date of the past 3 months, July, August and September (minus October). Well that would have been the 28th; the day after Turkey day. I woke up the 22nd, a Saturday, feeling a bit nauseous and on and off light headed/dizzy. I thought maybe a weird case of PMS that I had never had before. However, in the back of my mind I thought "prego?!?!?". I headed out to the grocery store to get things we needed and continued to feel the weirdness. Before heading home I bought a pregnancy test from the drug store next to Albertsons. I had bought them before only to find it was negative so it wasn't that weird to buy one for me in that past year. I didn't take it until the next day. I took it and it was positive, so I tried the second one....positive again. I could NOT believe it!

That was the day when I DIDN'T realize that everything changed; I think it was the next day when I went to work feeling like I was going to throw up everywhere all day. The funny thing is that on the receipt there is the pregnancy test and extra strength midol! :) At that moment I had no idea what it was but I knew I wanted relief! It is so weird to think that this day a year ago Antonio was growing like crazy inside of me and I didn't even know it yet! Funny how your life can change so incredibly much in a year!
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