Another month has come and gone. Antonio has gotten much better at eating! We are eating stage 2 foods; to be honest, I am not really sure what the difference between 1 and 2 except the containers are bigger. We have gotten a good schedule down for his eating and it seems to work. It's nice to be able to plan around him eating since I know when it will be! He gets 3 7oz bottles in a 24 hour period and then eats solids for breakfast and dinner. I have started making his food since it is less expensive and pretty easy. I can make a bunch and freeze for up t0 3 months! I try to make some every Sunday to replenish the supply. So far so good!
He has mastered the army crawl and goes everywhere now! I have the feeling the actual crawling will start soon though. Once that happens we will invest in a gate, if not sooner. We went and got his flu shot, finally, yesterday and he did GREAT! He didn't even make a peep; even the nurse was surprised. He seemed to do fine afterwards but like last time he got shots, today was rough. He was pretty fussy all day so we gave him tylenol twice and I think it helped. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Antonio has been blowing "raspberries" in the air all the time lately. It is so cute! When he does, so much drool comes out! He is continuing to drool everywhere all the time! It is so bad that he has a pretty bad rash under his chin and neck where his wet bibs and shirt sit. Poor guy. It doesn't seem to bother him luckily. I try to change out his bibs frequently but keeping up with his drool is a full time job in itself! He also bangs everything on everything. Sometimes he'll bang the "thing" so hard he will frow up his eyebrows as if to say, "why so loud?". He also is starting to get upset if I take away or move a toy he is playing with. He is growing so fast and becoming an actual human being right before my eyes; it's amazing!
He is STILL not sleeping through the night; argh! He did for about 3 weeks then all of a sudden he stopped. Now if he does it seems to be a fluke. He will wake usually once or twice a night and just needs to be turned over or need his binky and then he falls right back to sleep thankfully. Then he usually wakes about 3 to eat. Some nights are harder where he will wake 4-5 times in an hour or two (usually between midnight and 2) and then stay down until later. I am not sure whats going on with that but it can stop any night now.
Going back to work has become stressful. I think we finally found a daycare, right next door!!! The gal doesn't live there anymore and has turned her house into a daycare! It will be so convenient for us considering we only have 1 car seat! I can take him when I go to work and Albert can pick him up when he gets home which means less time Antonio is in daycare! I am still planning on meeting with one other lady tomorrow morning but unless she is AMAZING, we will go with our next door neighbor!
As far as the actual "work" part for me; I am still not sure what is going on with that. I only want to go back part time, say 3 days a week but since my employer deals with a lot of seasonal items they will need me to be full time in a couple months. Happily, my boss is somewhat working with me on trying to figure something out. We still haven't found something that works for both of us yet but soon I hope. I'd really like to stay there. I have been looking for other jobs and have applied for a few but no bites yet. I am trusting all will work out but the fact of not knowing is really stressing me out. At the earliest, I would go back to work (to my current job) mid March but possibly not until April, depending on business and what we work out. So please pray all works out for us. I really, really do NOT want to put Antonio is daycare but if need be I want him to be there as little as possible!
Below are a few pictures and a short video of Antonio in one of his jumpers! He loves it! He has pretty much out grown it already considering he is flat footed in it but I just cant bare to get rid of it yet!