Yup, it's official, Antonio's a mover! He has just learned to "army crawl"! For those of you who don't know what that is, it is where he scoots on his belly by using his arms and legs. He pulls forward with his arms as he pushes with his legs; all while he is flat on the floor. You know, like the guys in the army do to stay low to the ground. ; ) Well he is close to mastering this skill! He started this last weekend and when I mentioned it in the class we go to that he's only done it once or twice and only for an electronic (clearly his daddy's boy!), he then proceeded to do it all over the mat in class! He chased this poor little girl all around. She used to be the only mover in class (she is 8.5 months and crawls everywhere) and so he gave her a run for her money! She wasn't to sure she liked it though! ; )
Also, this morning Antonio has cut his first teeth, yes, teeth! He has his two bottom teeth both coming through at the same time! Poor little guy! He wasn't to fussy yesterday or today, however yesterday he was a bit more snuggly and wanted his binky a lot more than usual so I was afraid he was getting sick. Thank goodness its just teeth!
We bought him a booster seat that we can attach to one of our chairs for him to eat on. Highchairs are so much money, more than we can/want to spend on one. Maybe soon we'll get one but for now the booster seat works great, so much better than his swing! ; ) He seems to like it too! He looks like such a big boy in it! When we eat he sits up at the table with us. He is so good, he just sits there and watches us eat; it's cute!
Look! I'm a big boy!
He is loving eating and eats a ton! At least it seems like it! He loves sweet potatoes, pears, prunes and our newest find, prunes and apples mixed together. He does NOT like carrots or rice cereal but seems to really like oatmeal when mixed with green beans, weird. Everything else he seems to like too. So I have mixed a lot of things with oatmeal and he loves it! He will usually eat 1-2 tablespoons of oatmeal mixture as well as a full small jar of something else for breakfast and dinner. For lunch I've decided to just go with a bottle since we are sometimes out then.

So cute! He looks like such a big boy! He's following in his cousin's "footseps" with the army crawl! :)
What a cute guy! I love how he looks at the table - excited! ; )