T-minus ONE month! Wow! We've decided to postpone Antonio's birthday a month so my parents will be here for it. So it will be August 14th, I concluded I wanted my parents here for it and Antonio will never know the difference anyways. We will still have a tiny celebration on his birthday the 3 of us but wait for the party until August. Plus that gives me an extra month to get ready for it! : ) I've started thinking back to a year ago this time; how uncomfortable I was starting to feel and how tired I was after doing ANY activity! My feet and legs were just starting to double in size. Crazy! I had just had my first of two baby showers.
I know, I know, this is about Antonio not me but its partly about him. He was in my tummy all curled up and cozy. Anyways, he is 11 months as of Friday. He is becoming a little person more and more everyday. When Albert and I are talking and we laugh, Antonio will laugh too. It is so cute! He wants to be involved so he laughs even though has no idea why. He's beginning to show his inherited temper he unfortunately received from me. When he doesn't get what he wants (ie. the refrigerator door closes before he can "get in it") or when we take something away from him (ie. the remote control) he throws a fit until he is otherwise distracted. Luckily he is distracted enough at daycare Anne, the daycare lady, hasn't seen this side of him...yet.
He is doing great at eating more solids. He's tried a lot and seems to like pretty much everything. Sometimes it takes some persuasion but typically he likes whatever we give him. I find a hard tome thinking of meals to give him. I have lots of snacks, puffs, fruit, crackers etc but I have a hard time thinking of "meals" to give him. The other day we got home from class and needed to eat lunch. I gave him some leftover pork chops, which he liked, and some blueberries. However he didn't eat much for him but seemed done. So I made myself a grilled cheese which he LOVES. We went upstairs to play and I ate my sandwich. Well he wanted some so he started to fuss it up. I gave him a bite and he seemed very pleased. I had brought up some puffs just in case and when he wanted more of my sandwich I offered him some puffs instead. He wanted nothing to do with them, he just wanted my sandwich. He kept refusing the puffs and ended up eating half my sandwich! I was amazed he could not only taste but see that I was offering him puffs and NOT my sandwich. He knew the difference!
Things Antonio is doing & continues to like:
-Talking all the time; lots of dadadadada and other sounds but no mamamama yet. : (
-Still no walking on his own but close.
-He cruises EVERYWHERE and love walking with his walker!
-His new thing is biting, he bites everything from people (not good) to fabrics to anything else.
-He is what sounds like, grinding his teeth; it is AWFUL!
-He takes things (toys, tupperware etc.) out of their containers and then puts them back in (sometimes) and then takes them back out and so on....they never end up back in though. ;)

Black beans are good, or small pasta with sauce. It only gets messier!