Tuesday, November 25, 2014

School part 2.

Antonio still loves school and is doing great! I've had the chance to volunteer in his class 3 times and it was so great to be able to see what (and how) he is learning everything. And to see and meet his friends and watch him interact with them.

Diego, his very best buddy and who he sits next to, is such a sweet boy and so smart. He's a well behaved kid too! The first time I saw him, the first thing he said to me was, "Antonio is my best friend" and he proceeded to tell me about when Antonio fell at recess and how he (Diego) came over to Antonio to see if he was "crying and ok." He said when he saw he wasn't ok (he fell on his face and scraped up his chin, nose and forehead) he ran and got the recess lady. Such a sweet kid Diego is.

I was so afraid Antonio would get "lost" or taken advantage of in school. He is young for a kindergartener and tends to be pretty quiet and reserved. But he is right in the mix with everyone else in his class. He has even told Mrs.Rusher a couple times when someone didn't treat him the right way. I was so proud of him. Another great thing about volunteering is that I have gotten see where is in class as far as academics and he is definitely right in the middle. I wasn't to worried about that when sending him early (5 instead of waiting until next year). There are a few kids higher than him but definitely some lower too. Everyone thinks their kid is smart and so it was a nice reassurance for me.

He still loves the bus and insists on riding it to and from school when I volunteer! :) He is starting to read and I am so proud of him. Every week he gets new books to bring home and read and he gets so excited about it. He is also learning math and oh my gosh, everything is counting and adding. He's constantly quizzing me. "Mama, 6+3=9, right?", or "Mama, 8+2=10, right?". As some of you know, I am terrible at math. I already have to stop and think when he asks me most of the time! Ugh, its only kindergarten; I am in trouble! Thankfully he is loving school and I completely credit his teacher. She has helped him learn to love school and learning! Mrs. Rusher is so great with the kids. She gets so much in, in the short amount of time she has with them without them getting them overwhelmed; it's impressive.