Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wordless Wednesday!

Hopefully the video works! You do need to press play even though it is black!

Wordless Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Our last day....

Well the time has come that I go back to work and Antonio goes to daycare. Ugh. I have been dreading this in someway since the day he was born. However, I never imagined I'd be lucky enough to be home with him this long. I feel so blessed. However, tomorrow is our last day home together. Thursday and Friday I am dropping Antonio at daycare even though I don't actually go back to work until Tuesday, April 6th. I think it is more for me than Antonio. I figure that way I am not making the heart wrenching drop off the morning I go back to work. I'll be a wreck that day regardless but maybe, just maybe it won't be so hard this way. I can go home and cry if I want to. However, my plan is to drop him and then head to the gym and put some of that emotion to good use. Oh and get myself a big yummy Starbucks because dammit, I will have deserved it! Thursday will be the first day in almost 18 months (9 in my belly and 8.75 outside) that I will not be with Antonio. Ugh....

Antonio and I have been so lucky to spend so much time together. Even after my gall bladder removal and torn achilles tendon I still feel so lucky! :) I luckily had/have awesome friends who were willing and able to come help me with Antonio during those times! To think I was worried that he wouldn't know I was his mommy! Now I know he knows I am and hope that he will be ok without me (as well as I hope he misses me)! So please pray for both of us on Thursday, Friday and then Tuesday. It will be a long, hard emotional next few days and I am getting anxious to have it be over with!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

bad two days!

Poor Antonio; he's had a rough past couple days! Yesterday, I put him in his crib while I put some of his clothes away with the mobile on. Usually he lays there and watches it but not this time. As my back was turned I heard a sound that sounded like he was scratching on his breathable bumper (which he does often) and as I turned around, he is standing up in his crib "chewing" on the railing. As we made eye contact he smiled and let go. BAM! He fell straight back slamming his head on the rails behind him. I felt awful! Then later, one of Albert's friends came over with her son who is 16 months and we had them both sit on the bottom step of the stairs to take a picture; it was so cute! Right after we took a few pictures Antonio leaned forward and BAM, face plant on the floor! Again, I felt awful; he must have had THE worst headache!! On top of that he only napped for 30 min in the afternoon instead of his normal hour so he was extra fussy and tired! Rough day!

Then today he woke up happy and we thought today would be MUCH better! Nope, about 11 this morning his nose started running, like a faucet had been turned on, and sure enough the crying started soon after. So I think the next tooth or teeth is on its/their way. The rest of the day he was a runny nose, crying, drooling mess! So next time I wish I were a baby again, I will remember the past two days and be glad I am not! : ) Hopefully tomorrow will be better, he certainly deserves a better day!

Friday, March 12, 2010

EIGHT months! Eek...

Antonio is 8 months old as of last Thursday. One thing that people, specifically other parents, tell you is to cherish and enjoy every moment because it goes by so fast. That is just another piece of advice I said, ok, ok, I will but didn't really understand just how fast it does go by. It's amazing! Anyways, Antonio is growing up and doing new things everyday it seems! He is pulling him self up on pretty much everything now. He's fallen over a couple times already but no bumps, cuts or black eyes yet, knock on wood! It's only a matter of time though! A lot of times he'll pull him self up on his knee's or feet and then not know how to get back down on his belly yet and gets scared. Poor guy.

As some of you may have heard, the daycare lady from next door called me a couple weeks ago and said she couldn't take Antonio anymore so I have had to re-search for a daycare....ugh. More on that in a different post. Anyways, Antonio and I have been to a few daycares and each place we went to we were there for about an hour to get the feel for it and the kids. We even went back to re look at some. So Antonio has seen, played and met a lot of new kids his age all the way up to 4 lately. Each place he's had fun exploring and watching the older kids! I think he enjoyed it!

Some things Antonio has been doing the past month:
-He's pulling himself up to everything and standing. Chairs, the couch, entertainment center, even in his crib, etc.... (I think we may end up having a crawler!)
-He is still "army" crawling everywhere but is starting to use all fours for a few steps then flops to his belly!

-He is eating anything and everything; at least he can. We've just started trying meats (pureed still)! However, he can eat cheerios, steamed veggies, pretty much anything (with few exceptions) as long as it is cut small enough. He's loving it all so far!

-Bathing in a non infant tub and loving his bath toys! Most times he'll hang on to one to take into his room!

-He's started to reach our for me or Albert when he wants us.

-He's back to sleeping better! HOORAY! He'll sometimes wake up once or twice needing his binky but then falls right back to sleep but nothing like he had been doing. So he's sleeping from about 7-5, eats, then back to sleep until about 7! LOVE IT! (He's just started to suck his thumb again the past day or two so hopefully that will help when he wakes and wants his binky!)

It's funny how hard it is to think of things he does to add here when we've gotten so used to it all!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday!

Ok, here's the new thing. Every Wednesday I will TRY to post a picture or two or three of the past week. Just pictures no words, hence wordless Wednesday! So, check back every Wednesday and hopefully there will be at least one new picture of Antonio! So here are this weeks and a video of his new "toy"!