Friday, October 22, 2010

15 months!

As promised here is a long time coming up date on Antonio! He recently went in for his 15 month Well Child visit. As expected he is growing! His current stats are:

Height: 31.5 (63.88%)
Weight: 27lbs 12oz (87.38%!!)
Head: 48 cm/18.9" (74.28%)

He clearly is still a good eater! In fact he will eat anything you put in front of him except apples; weird I know. He loves both applesauce and apple juice but if you put a piece of apple in front of him he won't touch it, in fact if you try to feed it to him he turns his head! Very weird considering he's liked portabello mushrooms, asparagus, fish and everything else! Maybe it's a texture thing, who knows. As far as height, it has slowed a bit, his height/weight used to stay pretty much the same percentile until a few months ago. The doctor doesn't have any concern for it though.

However, the doctor is a bit concerned he isn't talking yet. He hasn't said any words/word yet. Neither Albert or I are much talkers so maybe we just need to talk more. She, the dr., gave us a phone number of a "birth to 3 Early Intervention" program that is federal/state run to have them come out and evaluate Antonio. : ( He seems to understand some things, like "light", "no" his name, lets go and a couple other things but if you ask him to bring you a book or something he doesn't seem to understand. I figure it doesn't hurt to call them, especially if its a "free" program! We'll see. As some of you have seen, he is a very smart boy so it's not that he is "lacking" per say but just not talking. Regardless, I will keep you posted on if we decide to try it out.

Antonio walks EVERYWHERE! In fact he is starting to run or walk very fast. He is starting to want to walk instead of being carried now too. I am not sure if that's a good or bad thing yet! :/
He has recently decided to NOT sleep through the night anymore. :/ We had a great stretch of about 2 months, then he got sick; fever, throwing up and nasty cold and hasn't done very good at sleeping through ever since. He's also cut 4 teeth in the past month or so. I'm just ready for an uninterrupted night of sleep! We are still doing swim lessons but this month, October, will be our last month until after Christmas and then we will have to see how the weather is.

He is turning into such a Papa's boy! He absolutely loves his Papa! They play all the time; chasing, tickling, "getting" each other, it is so, so cute. Antonio loves it if you follow him around with a blanket behind him, a big blanket, and then he will turn around, fall on it and want you to pull him around on it. So cute yet so weird! There is so much love between them and there's always giggling between the both of them!

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