Friday, March 18, 2011


Antonio started at his new daycare yesterday, Thursday, and seemed to do great! When I dropped him off I stayed awhile, all the way until they had breakfast! The lady, Rosemary, gave them (Antonio and 1 other kid) waffles and grapes. So while he was eating his breakfast I said goodbye and left. There was a little fuss and concern that I was leaving until he remembered he had waffles on the table! Then he seemed torn to be upset I was leaving or eating his waffles! ; ) Thats my boy!

I was a bit concerned when I saw her put syrup on the waffles, Not that big of a deal except it was a lot of sugar and I've never put syrup on waffles, pancakes or french toast for Antonio. She instantly was on the floor playing with Antonio when we got there and seemed to be very focused on him which was great! Granted I was there too and she wasn't exactly going to ignore him in front of me! : ) She even managed some smiles and even a little laugh from him within 30min! Impressive! When Albert picked Antonio up later he said that Antonio didn't seem anxious to leave, another good sign! They made a St. Patricks day craft, played outside, read books and when Albert picked him up they were "bowling"! The other foods she offered him were, mac n cheese, string cheese (which he wasn't to fond of), banana, some mixed veggies (again, not his favorite), sunny delight and animal crackers. So not the ideal mix of foods but not as bad as I had originally thought! No wonder he didn't nap much yesterday, he had a lot more sugar than he is used too!

Today's drop off went well. She had made a tunnel for him to crawl through or roll the ball through and he instantly took a car and crawled back and forth. When I left he only fussed for a second! I was so impressed! He must feel ok there; I think I really like her too! We'll see how today goes, hopefully less sugar! ; ) Thanks for all the prayers for the easy transition for Antonio; I am sure it helped!

1 comment:

  1. Glad it went so well! I guess all the syrup on the waffles probably helped--the daycare lady knows how to keep 'em happy! : - ) It's been 6 months, is he still going there? It's great to find a place that isn't too crowded and where Antonio is having fun and getting some creative play time. It will be so fun for Bobo and Antonio to play some more when we come down in December - looking forward to it! -pete
