Sunday, July 26, 2009


Hello Antonio followers! Those of you that followed my "Prego Diaries" will find this blog very similar except I will be blogging about Antonio's life. Duh! ; ) As you all should know by now, Antonio came into this crazy world at 4:22 am on July 11th. He was a mighty 9lbs 15 oz and 21" long; we usually just say 10 lbs because what's an ounce?! Anyways, what started out early morning of the 10th spilled into the 11th after a long day. Antonio was smart even in the womb; he knew he was not going to fit through the birth canal. He also let me watch the Mariner's play Texas where Omar actually played! Honestly don't remember any of the game or even really seeing Omar except for one at bat while struggling through a contraction. I don't remember what Omar did in that at bat nor do I remember if seeing Omar on tv helped me get through the contraction. Regardless, Antonio waited until after the game, well long after the game.

Life with Antonio was been wonderful. He is such an amazing baby boy. He pretty much cries only if he is hungry, wants to be held or has a poopy diaper. Granted the trick is to determine which one it is. Luckily when it comes to the hungry part there are other signs that go a long with it but ALWAYS seems to be hungry. I am worried to overfeed him; he is big enough as it is. I don't want to be one of those moms that every time the baby cries they stick a bottle or nipple in their mouth. I am trying to determine for sure what the "problem" is first. I am not sure how good I am at it yet but it is a learning process for sure.

Since I had a c-section and ended up pretty anemic the road to recovery has been pretty slow. I am not able to pick him up much which breaks my heart because that is all I want to do. I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and hopefully my healing is good. Everyday seems to be a bit better though. However, I can always tell if I have over done it the next day. Soon, I will get to be the mommy I am craving to be; the one who can carry her son all around, who can drive places and show him off to the world. I cannot wait! My mom has truly been a lifesaver! She has pretty much been here everyday Albert has had to work. She has helped me take care of Antonio, and the house. Seriously, I am not sure what would have happened if she hadn't been here to help! Phew! My mother in law and sister in law come into town on the 14th of August to meet Antonio. We are so excited for them to be here too!

Well check back occasionally to see pictures, read updates on Antonio and see what he is up to! Thank you for your support and following. Antonio is a lucky little boy to have so many people who care and love him! I cannot wait for all of you to meet him. In another week or two I am sure I will be up for visitors and hopefully even venturing out to show him the world! Antonio is fussing so off I go.......until later.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Baby Antonio:) You are too cute. I can't wait to meet you.
