Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 2 well check.

Today was Antonio's well check at the doctors and he did great. In just the past 2 weeks of his life he has grown 2.25 inches and almost a full pound! WOW!! He is up to 23.25" long and 10 lbs 12 oz! He is in the 93rd percentile for his weight and 99 percentile for his height at this age! If he keeps this up he is going to out grow both his mom and dad in no time! Yikes! He had to get blood drawn which he HATED. They had to fill 5 circles that were about 1/2" in diameter on a piece of paper and had to prick him twice just to get enough. It broke my heart. Albert was excited because they then put 2 Band-Aids on him, one was yellow and the other purple; Laker colors! ; ) We don't have to go in again until 2 months and then he has to get 3 shots; I think I'll be waiting in the waiting room for that one! The doctor is great too; I really like her! We are home from that dramatic experience and trying to stay cool for the next few days!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, he has grown a ton!!!!! Go Antonio!! Shaun hadn't grown any in length and wasn't even back up to his birth weight yet.
