Saturday, August 1, 2009

Umbilical Cord Stump

Finally the cord stump fell off! It had been hanging on by a thread for the last day or two and was looking pretty nasty. Every once in awhile there would be some spot bleeding on the inside of his clothes recently too. (which apparently is very normal; yes, I called the doctor to ask.) I can't believe he can't feel it; I mean this big nasty scab thing is attached to something then just falls off. Weird. Anyways, I went to change his diaper and looked and it was gone; I couldn't believe it! Finally! They always said it would just fall on and you'd never find it; but he hadn't been many place since his last changing so I looked for it. Sure enough it fell out of his onesie...I quickly tossed it in the diaper pail. Nasty! I ran over to wash my hands then went back to change his diaper. So glad to have that gone! Below is the after photo!

If it isn't one thing it is another right? Right. Tuesday he gets circumcised...finally. We were going to have it done at the hospital but then he ended up in the NICU and didn't. I had somewhat been putting it off because as much as I want it done I don't want to have that happen to him. My OB told me not to put it off because the longer I wait the more complications can come up. So I made the appointment and now am dreading it. So we/I go from one "gross" thing to another. Please pray for Antonio's and my sake that he heals fast and there aren't any complications. I will be very anxious for it to be healed and done with.

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying for you both on Tuesday. I think it is harder on us then them....
