Wednesday, August 5, 2009

He is official!

Today we got both his birth certificate and his social security card in the mail! Hooray, he is an official little person in this world! He is still growing like crazy; as of Tuesday he is 11lbs 8 oz! Will he ever stop growing? I have the feeling the answer is no. We went and saw Antonio's Great Grandma today and he was so good! He laid on her lap, she fed him and then fell asleep! It was perfect. My mom took some cute pictures of the two of them! On Monday we went to our first "Living with Baby" class that we get free for a month. It was fun, not what I expected but to be fair I don't know what I expected. There were 3 other people and babies there; a 7wk old, 9wk old and 12 wk old. Antonio was as big as them; especially the 12 wk old girl! Scary! We sang songs, which I think he really liked, talked about SIDS/baby safety (there is a different topic every week)and talked about what our babies were doing and concerns we had. We got a few good tips from the others since they were long past the 3wk mark. It was encouraging! We will definitely go back next week and through our free month!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Now he can be a tax deduction! :) Glad he was good for Grandma!
