Wednesday, February 24, 2010

sleep...HA! Only in my daydreams...

I love Antonio so much more than I ever thought possible and he could almost do no wrong but the boy isn't sleeping. I have always enjoyed my sleep so this is extra hard for me! Antonio was sleeping through the night for about a month when Albert and I decided I would take over the night waking since Albert was having to get up early to go to work and I wasn't. Besides, Antonio wasn't waking up so no big deal! Ha! About a week after the switch Antonio started waking up, but only once and usually went right back to sleep; still no big deal. Then he started waking more often and for longer periods of time. Now, and for the past couple weeks now, he's been waking, crying/screaming and then going back to sleep for about 20-30 min then waking and so on. This goes one from about 11-3am. I usually feed him around 2 and he acts hungry but that doesn't keep him asleep. At first I just assumed it was teething but if thats it will this continue for another year? I so hope not. I've also heard that when they learn new things they go over it in their head and that can keep them up. Regardless, I think he should be sleeping through. When I do go in to check on him he is usually on his belly and just needs to be turned back over and given his binky. Like I said though, its only good for about 30 min and starts all over again. I just don't know what to do. He usually takes a good (only 30-40 min.) morning nap then the afternoon ones are awful. He doesn't really nap unless on me and then he'll sleep good and long otherwise I can sometimes get him to nap in his swing but then only for about 30 min. He's tired because he rubs his eyes, yawns and gets fussy; all the signs are there then he just fights it and cries. I've tried putting him down and letting him cry but one time that lasted an hour and a half. Ugh.....I just don't know what to do..... Please just sleep my sweet boy...sleep....

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry he's being a stubborn sleeper, Jessica! How hard! We are still trying to figure out when Jonathan's napping during the day, and so I feel your pain.

    I hope you guys are enjoying each other. It sure sounds like it!
