Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The last day.

Today was the last day of school. Well, technically yesterday was since today was just an all school puppet show, no class though. Regardless, his very first "school year" is in the books and he absolutely loved it. He loved his teacher, he made new friends and just plain loved school, which in turn, made me happy. Albert and I loved him being there too. The school is so small and faith orientated which, in my opinion was perfect for Antonio.  It has 2 Pre-K classes, 1 preschool and 1 kindergarten class. Small yet it was more of a "school" than some in the sense there were other classes in the hallway, they had to walk down a hallway in line and there different ages at recess. Where I went to preschool there was just my class in 1 building and I know that type of set-up is still common. Hopefully all that will help Antonio transition to an actual school with a lot more kids and classrooms.

I know when next week, or maybe even not until the following week, Antonio will realize school is over. He knows today (yesterday) was his last day of school and said he was sad about that but I wonder just how much he really realizes that. When the puppet show was over, we got up from our seats and just walked out, just like the end of a movie. It was weird; I'm not sure why but it was. There was no grand farewell or anything, we just left, so matter-of-factly. We did see Mrs. Cunningham as we were leaving and Antonio wanted to say goodbye again to her. So sweet. I got choked up leaving. Yes, I know, I tend to get over emotional, wear my heart of my sleeve type but it was kinda sad. Since we don't go to church there (yes, I know we could), we may never go there, or see those people, ever again and that is sad.

We got all of Antonio's school work that he did during the year, including both evaluations from September thad then now, in May. He did so good. Well the educational part, knowing his shapes, colors and numbers he knew in September so there wasn't much "improvement" there. But everything else he did great in; social development, language development, work habits and motor skills. I was/am so proud of him. The one thing he needs to work on: "standing up for his rights". His teachers say "yes" he does that but added "sometimes needs teacher support".  So I guess we need to teach him to stand his ground better without making him "mean".  It seems he is a good, kind, smart boy. I already knew all that but it is so nice to see others outside of family, say the same thing.

Up next is Kindergarten. Antonio seems excited and claims its in two weeks. Obviously we also still need to work on the "time" thing with him. Ha. I keep telling him its 3 months but he insists its 2 weeks. :) I have already decided when we find out when the 1st day of school is I am going to take the day off from work. I will be such a ball of emotion that there is no way I will be able to go to work the same day. In fact, I am sure I will be that Mom that sobs uncontrollably when Antonio climbs on the bus or walks in to school. I am leaving it up to Antonio on if wants to ride the bus to school or have me take him.

Ending this chapter is so bittersweet. My baby boy is growing up; he will be 5, FIVE, in July. It truly is amazing how incredibly fast it goes. No matter how many times people tell you to enjoy it because it flies by, you don't truly understand it until you are in it.  I am so incredibly proud to be his Mama.

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