Saturday, January 12, 2013


So it's January and in order to have Antonio in preschool in the Fall we need to get him registered this month. So like...NOW.  Whoa...when did that happen? I (we) have done no research on this. And I mean ZERO research. Antonio would so love to go and I know it would be good for him. As I have mentioned before, his daycare is very much set up like a preschool so I haven't felt "pressured" to get him in to a preschool. I just know he would love the idea and honestly, the idea of "going to school" is what would be so good for him.

Next problem (first being I probably already should have registered him). How do I been begin to research places? We don't go to church. Most of my friends have their kid attend the preschool through the church they attend. Since we don't attend a church I'm not really sure how that would work for us. ;)  So, besides through a church (and Google) where does one start? I all of a sudden feel a bit pressured (by myself) to at least attempt to do some research and check on registering. So please, any ideas, advice or suggestions please let me know here, via Facebook or email. Thanks. :)


  1. Shaun goes through a church, but not ours. As long as you don't mind him learning about Jesus some, I think he would love it! Ours has several locations around the county, I know one is in Lake Stevens, which might be close to you. Also, a coworker (who doesn't go to church) had her son in a similar one in Marysville and loved it. Her son went there 3 years. Ours is called Prince of Peace Preschool. Registration is in February at the main campus.

    I had it recommended from about 4-5 different friends! Hope that helps!


  2. Oh, and one other thing: I remember when doing research that the church based preschools seemed to be way cheaper than the commercial ones for some reason....
    Next year he would be in the 4s class, which goes M-W 9-11:30.
