Tuesday, October 13, 2009

3 months!

Well as of the 11th Antonio is 3 months! Man, time does fly in the big picture! Antonio is a big boy that continues to grow. We don't know how big exactly he is now but we do know he seems to get heavier and heavier every day! A small part of me can't wait until he starts crawling so he can work of some of this weight or at least burn off what he eats. Then the other part of me realizes that that is just around the corner and that I don't want him to grow any more. As I sort through his clothes to give to other new babies that are on their way I realize just how fast he is growing. He officially doesn't fit into any Carters clothes that are 3 months. Yup, 6 months clothes here we come. Some other brands he manages to still fit 3 months but not for long. It is amazing! He is now smiling when Albert or I come into the room; he knows who we are now. He follows us around with his eyes. It is the best thing! As you all know my parents are on their year long trip all over and Albert's mom is in California so we all have become very familiar with Skype! We try to Skype with both my parents and Albert's mom at least once a week or when my parents have internet. We want Antonio to as familiar and comfortable as possible with both when they are around.

Antonio is continuing to talk up a storm. The squeals of happiness is the best sound in the WORLD! His is just starting to be able to "grab" things in front of him. However he pretty much swings and misses but occasionally he gets his target and grabs hold for a moment, then isn't sure what to do and usually drops it. He's getting it though. He is liking tummy time for longer periods of time as well and we have tried to put him on the floor more (even though I have an extremely hard time getting back up right now) and he is getting so he can lift one side of his body but thats it. The whole turning over thing is right around the corner, I can feel it. I've heard from some people that they've put their baby on their back on the floor, look away, look back and they are on they're tummy. For now I am enjoying the immobile stage. Once he starts turning over its all down (or up depending on how you look at it) hill. : ) Antonio has also begun to drool like crazy! He started this a couple weeks ago and now I try to put a bib on him to catch it otherwise the top half is wet within an hour! He has also found his thumb and fist and has decided they taste good. No, he is not teething.....yet. I have felt his gums and don't seem to feel anything and I am guessing when a tooth is starting to come through I'll feel it. That too could be soon.

I am slowly healing from the latest achilles tendon tear. It will be and is a slow healing injury but I hope to be able to walk with Antonio by the end of the week. I do know it could be awhile before I am fully pain free with it and healed but I just want to be able to walk and carry Antonio again. I had a tease for two weeks Antonio and I were free. We were free to do what we wanted. I could carry him, hold him and walk around the block in his stroller with him. It was great. It was the first time I was healed from everything and able to go places with him. I can't wait until this tendon thing is good so we can go back to that. Soon I know. Day by day, that is how I have deal with all this!

Below are a few pictures over the past week or two. Enjoy!

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